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My name is Jesús Martín. I'm a creative thinker particularly interested in helping brands integrate the value of graphic design into their business strategy.

About me

Thanks to my education, I have acquired knowledge and skills that have allowed me to develop a good capability and approach to the design process. By attempting to unravel the complexities of the design problem at hand and applying a meaningful aesthetic
—meaning, taking into account what needs to be communicated and to whom you want to communicate—.

Patience and perseverance in the use of a systematic design process, are the key to creating timeless projects.

What I do

I have over 5 years of experience in the creative industry, working on editorial and visual identity projects and helping brands and organizations —effectively and aesthetically— communicate through presentations for events. I'm not interested in creating mechanical designs. On the contrary, I enjoy tackling challenging projects that help broaden my knowledge horizon.


Attention to detail, adaptability, teamwork, active listening, patience, empathy, assertive communication and curiosity to keep learning across different topics.


InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Keynote, HTML, CSS and Microsoft Office.


Spanish (native) and English (intermediate).

Latests works / collabs

Let's talk

I will be delighted to contribute my design expertise and apply it to your brand's business strategy. By collaborating together, we will successfully bring to life all the projects we set out to achieve.

You can contact me through the following links: