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Cover project Stock Stories

Stock Stories #1

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Personal project


Editorial project carried out for the course «Narrative Design: The Photobook», part of the third year of the Bachelor's Degree in Artistic Studies (School of Arts of Seville)


Assignment for the course that involved creating a photobook with a narrative background, using a selection of stock internet photographs

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The project began with the collection of approximately 150 photographs sourced from the Unsplash stock image bank. These images were chosen without any predefined theme that could limit the selection process, although there was an underlying communicative thread that became apparent during the process.

After gathering these images, I conducted a general screening based on the feeling I had about this potential communicative thread. Once the theme was chosen, I underwent another screening to make the final selection of 20-25 photographs.

The photobook's theme revolves around the idea of chasing a lost love, or perhaps an unrequited one, through memories. Moments of frenzy are mixed with moments of calm, longing, or reminiscence. There is only one photograph in which a person's face is visible, and the rest remain hidden, blurred, or not detailed enough. This is intended to allow the reader to identify with this small story and, above all, to allude to the idea of a memory that is on the brink of being forgotten.

With the passage of time, the sharpness of lived experiences fades, and what remains is a vague and limited collection of memories. We only retain the essential moments, and the rest, if not lost, becomes blurred.

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Let's talk

I will be delighted to contribute my design expertise and apply it to your brand's business strategy. By collaborating together, we will successfully bring to life all the projects we set out to achieve.

You can contact me through the followin links: