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Cover project JRC Seville

Presentation event for the new JRC Seville building

Final client & Work team

Joint Research Centre / Aplomo Studio


The event aimed not only to introduce the new architectural concept for the future HQ of JRC Seville but also to make the local community aware of the significance that the organization holds in shaping the European policies


The graphic and audiovisual development of the presentation event captured the concepts embodied in the European New Bauhaus initiative: an enriching, beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive space

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Through an international architectural competition, the European Commission initiated the process of establishing JRC Seville as a permanent headquarters of this European organization. This move, positioned the city of Seville on par with other European cities that host the remaining JRC headquarters: Brussels, Geel, Ispra, Karlsruhe, and Petten.

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Photographs of the event courtesy of Pepo Herrera. You can take a look at the case study through the following link.

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