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Cover project Jiménez Rosales

Redesign of
Jiménez Rosales

Final client & Work team

Personal project


The project aimed to redesign the two labels for free-range chicken eggs of the brand «Granja Avícola Jiménez Rosales» The labels were for packs of 6 and 10 eggs


Highlight the value and benefits of free-range chicken eggs, emphasize the Andalusian and maintain the added value provided by over 50 years of experience

During the creative process, the idea of a footprint emerged as a graphic representation of the imprint that a free-range life leaves on the chickens. This imprint influences the quality of the product, symbolized as furrows in the earth to depict an agricultural landscape.

Through the concept of a footprint, the communicative concept of tradition was connected to the client's objectives —the Andalusian countryside, free-range chickens and their quality, and an interest in their environmental impact—.

In line with the trend in the free-range egg industry to depict chickens on labels, different illustrations of chickens were created. The choice was made for a playful, less accurate illustration style, one that exudes innocence in its forms.

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It's a design that modernizes the traditional concept through the use of typography and a flat shapes design, combined with spots of flat color. This adds a certain charm to the packaging, allowing for better connection with a more modern target audience.

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Let's talk

I will be delighted to contribute my design expertise and apply it to your brand's business strategy. By collaborating together, we will successfully bring to life all the projects we set out to achieve.

You can contact me through the followin links: